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  • Category: Winner Announcements

    Member of the Week Award 28th Dec 2015 to 3rd Jan 2016

    Hi Members,

    This has reference to our earlier announcement for Member of the Week and our usual awarding system in Techulator, we are announcing the winner of the MOW for 28th Dec 2015 to 3rd Jan 2016, this week award goes to Anwesha for an outstanding contribution.

    Congratulations to Anwesha for MOW award and best of luck members for the next time!.

    Thanks to all members and participants.
  • #23566
    Congratulations Anwesha for winning that prestigious award after a long time. I assume it is the first award of this nature for you.

    Good to see new names in the list of awardees. Time to fly...
    Congrsts again.

    Live....and Let Live!

  • #23568
    Congratulations Anwesha, this is the first time am seeing you winning this award. Great to someone or the other is winning this award.

    Once again congrats.


  • #23569
    Congratulations Anwesha.

    It seems it's you got this award after long time or first time. Not sure.

    In any case, congratulations. Keep writing!


  • #23574
    Thank you Pranay, Timmappa and Mahesh for encouraging and boosting up my spirit. Though this was not the first time, but of course there was a big gap in between. Hope to reduce the gap henceforth.

  • #23579
    Really happy for you to be the recipient of a Member of the Week award. Hope to see you getting back to more of your winning ways and thus see you more often in such lists of awardees. That way Timmappa won't be all lonesome over there in the lists!!!


  • #23583
    Thanks Vandana, that was really encouraging. But I think it was sheer luck for that week, as other members were a little busy perhaps. But definitely luck works as a great booster at times. And I would try to do justice to it.

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