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  • Category: Suggestions and Feedback

    Referencing question and answering

    I could not figure out how to write content in Do we need to ask questions ourselves and answer that question ourselves? If so, where do we need to ask question? I believe it is not in this forum. If we have to answer the question on the question asked earlier to earn money, where do we get questions?
  • #23474
    You ask questions from your work experience, studies and know reviews about cars,bikes etc.

  • #23475
    You can ask questions if you have any issues or want to know more about a specific topic. Once you login to your profile on the site, you can find the tabs for navigating through the site. If Ask Experts is what you are more interested in - click on forum (as you did while landing on this page) and then click on Ask Experts from the drop down list. You will find the lost of questions that are approved. Click on the ones yiunwoukd wish to answer and provide your responses in the space provided.
    There are a couple of ways you can earn on Techulator. If you are good at writing technology based articles, you can post your articles in the section.
    Please note that you cannot answer your own questions.

    Live....and Let Live!

  • #23476
    Ok thanks Timmappa Kamat. Now I am getting the flow of the site.

  • #23479
    One thing to note for Ask Expert section.
    Each member can both ask a question and post answers to multiple questions asked by other members. But members cannot post any answer to the questions posted by themselves.

  • #23484
    Vijay Kumar Rana,
    It is a good idea to click on the 'unanswered' link in the Ask Expert section. There you will find a list of queries to which nobody has given an answer, probably because of lack of knowledge/expertise. Of course, you can answer an already answered question, but if you merely repeat info already provided in previous answers, it would not really benefit you in terms of points and cash credits.

    It is also a good idea to raise a query in the forum that is ideal for general discussion and as such does not require some expert's guidance. Participating in the forum is highly beneficial as it allows you to get to know fellow members, interact with them in an interesting manner and also improve writing & English skills.


  • #23486
    Does answering the questions from the Ask Expert section gives us credit ?

  • #23488
    Yes, of course. You get cash credits for answering each question. You get cash credit for posting questions too. Though the amount would be lesser than the answers.
    The amount would be dependent on the depth, accuracy and originality of the post. Language skill is important too. Though you can refer to the online information available for the question, a direct copy paste will straight away lead to the rejection of your posts.

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