A fruitful journey of a year on Techulator
I would be completing my one year of association with Techulator today. And I am glad to conclude that it has really a fruitful and motivating journey so far.I joined Techulator on 1st Jan., 2015 and now as on 31st Dec.,2015 I stand here with member rank 1 and an accumulated earnings of Rs. 30087. That should be a good achievement by any standard. I am now at No.3 spot only after Ankit and Tony Sir among the all time contributors list.
Other than what I have earned directly here, there are many indirect benefits that Techulator has brought me. I am being contacted by bloggers to write content for them. In a zeal to contribute to Techulator, I have been getting more knowledge in the field of technology as I continuously keep checking new developments and that raises the horizons of the information that I attain.
From a newbie who had no knowledge on how to write for websites, I know have over 100 approved articles on Techulator. Not that I am a quality writer, yet that should speak in itself as to how much Techulator has been of help to achieve what I have done.
Heartfelt thanks to the team for recognising my efforts and making me what I am today. Not to forget that Techulator made me an editor within just 3-4 months of joining the site!
Thank you Techulator for all the support and achievement and thanks fellow members who kept motivating me.