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  • Category: Club House Discussion

    Is there any particular billing cycle in Techulator?

    It is just to know whether there is any particular billing cycle in Techulator? I mean to say, when our monthly payments are announced, our earnings goes down to the remaining balance amount, and that happens the day this announcement takes place. Now, say if the announcement takes place in the first week of any month, it can be assumed that articles and other responses submitted in the last month till the last day, i.e., ( 30th/31st) are approved and calculated in.

    What happens when we get the announcement late in a particular month?

    Say, in the last month of October the payment was announced in the middle. Articles submitted till then were reviewed and included in that month's bill. So our account went to the minimum balance at the middle of the month. We had to start writing afresh from the middle of the month. But in November those articles were not reviewed which were submitted after 2nd November. so we didn't get the entire month to submit our articles. Only fifteen days were counted. So, in my case, I was not announced any payment even though I submitted a number of articles one week before the announcement took place. It was a little bit confusing, so I just want friends to clarify the entire process.
  • #23111
    I am not sure how the billing cycle is related to the section winners or for contribution awards.

    I assume billing cycle works based on the people who crossed 1000 Rs threshold. However as you noted the payments are issued in between 10th to 15th for last two months cycle (this month included).

    Now I am confused how the contribution cycle works as opposed to billing cycle. However I must say it feels good to see the payments processed in the middle of the month.

  • #23112
    I was not talking about the Contributory Awards. I am talking only about the general article submission, their approval and inclusion in the billing.
    As I already know when it is done, that was not a part of my question at all.

  • #23113
    Anwesha, the billing cycle should not have any bearing on what you contribute, or earn. Well, yes - I can understand your concern as in you would not be getting a consistent amount each month.
    If the payment is announced at around 20th of the month, your approved contributions upto that add up to your payment as on that day. and if the payments are announced on 5th next month, you will just 15 days to accumulate a new payment which may or may not materialise. Just as it happened with me couple of months ago. In one month I crossed Rs. 4000 and the subsequent month got me just Rs. 1500! The contribution during both the calendar months remained almost equal. So, even if you perform equally in each month, your payment amount gets varied over each moth based on the date of payment.

    It would be much better if we have fixed PAY DAY, say 7th of every month - it would help us get a consistent payment throughout.

    Live....and Let Live!

  • #23116
    Frankly, even a fixed pay day would not really be of help if we have a lot of posts languishing in the new submissions mode due to non-reviewing by editors. As we are aware, though, editing is done as per the available schedule of editors and we just have to go with the flow. I would rather not have any hurried review of my post in haste to meet the pay day date. After all, the cash credits for later reviewed articles do get carried over to the next month so we need not worry about completely losing out. Let's just say it would be a disappointment to miss out on getting a payment but have to accept that is the way it is!

  • #23120

    Yeah, I can understand. I think it also depends on the revenue which our site pulls in, that matters. So, it is not a complain from any sense of the term, just wanted to clear the concept, if I have missed out by chance.

    As earlier articles got included which were posted just two three days before the payment announcement. So, I miscalculated a bit and was counting the chickens before the eggs were hatched.

    Just sharing .....

  • #23155
    I can roughly say that, it is all about reviewing the posts, clearing the weekly and monthly award takes time due to the time allotment and nature of the editorial task itself for the site. It is little different site compare to its own sister site called ISC.

    Thus, Techulator would like to pay the member soon for the respective month's contribution including that month award and reward announcement and its payment etc. without leaving any of them though it may take one or two weeks extra for it.

    Anyhow, sometime it may delay even more to review or announce the award due to unexpected circumstances including editor's unavailability for personal or professional or even educational reason. In that case, the due balance for the month would be added in the following month for the respective member however, if it is missed in this month announcement.


  • #23156
    Yes, Hafeezur, I have observed the same. And truly speaking I have no grudges or even any doubt about the integrity of the site, as it is now over than a year that I am happily associated with it.

    I just wanted to clear my doubts on the issue, that if one submits articles on the beginning of a month before the last month's payment gets announced, will those articles be counted in the previous month's billing? That's all.
    The question came to my mind as I was expecting those articles to be included in October's payment, though I started submitting them since 1st of November.
    So it might have been a miscalculation from my side.

  • #23157
    No issue, any member can ask any doubt and clarify at any time.

    For your question. No, it will be considered for the respective month of 'publication date' only. For example, if you have published the article in 2nd Nov 2015 and it is approved after few days, and your previous month October 2015 payment not announced yet then 2nd Nov article will be considered in Nov 2015 month billing only and not in Oct 2015 whether its payment announced or not.


  • #23158
    Yeah got it. Things are quite clear now. Thanks a lot Hafeezur.

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