Is there any particular billing cycle in Techulator?
It is just to know whether there is any particular billing cycle in Techulator? I mean to say, when our monthly payments are announced, our earnings goes down to the remaining balance amount, and that happens the day this announcement takes place. Now, say if the announcement takes place in the first week of any month, it can be assumed that articles and other responses submitted in the last month till the last day, i.e., ( 30th/31st) are approved and calculated in.What happens when we get the announcement late in a particular month?
Say, in the last month of October the payment was announced in the middle. Articles submitted till then were reviewed and included in that month's bill. So our account went to the minimum balance at the middle of the month. We had to start writing afresh from the middle of the month. But in November those articles were not reviewed which were submitted after 2nd November. so we didn't get the entire month to submit our articles. Only fifteen days were counted. So, in my case, I was not announced any payment even though I submitted a number of articles one week before the announcement took place. It was a little bit confusing, so I just want friends to clarify the entire process.