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  • Category: Suggestions and Feedback

    Can I delete my drafts in the resources section?

    I have a couple of drafts in the articles section. Though I started working on them, now I feel they are not worth the effort. As such, I would wish to delete them. Is is possible to do so?

    I am aware that once posted, the content becomes the property of the site. However, these being just drafts and not yet published on the site, there must be a way to delete them.
    I just wish to get to know how to delete the drafts.
  • #23107
    Even I have the same problem. But I remember once a member asked about this few months ago, and he was instructed to request the webmasters to delete them by giving them the url.

    I searched for that thread but I am unable to find it right now. I remember very clearly that it was said, no member can delete their own drafts.

  • #23109
    Here is the draft i would wish to delete.
    Hope to see webmasters doing the needful.

    Live....and Let Live!

  • #23110
    My request has been done.
    Thanks a lot.
    Forum editors can now close this thread.

    Live....and Let Live!

  • #23117
    I think we should not close this thread right away. I wish to express my view that I think we do need to have a delete draft button. Just as we have a feature to save a draft, why not to delete it if have no wish to publish it at TEC? Could the Webmasters explain why the delete feature is not available for drafts? Is there any valid reason?

  • #23121
    Yeah, I too go with Vandana. At times, we might postpone or do not wish to write on an article, in that case, the drafts do no need to unnecessarily overload the database.

    In my case it so happened that I have duplicate copies of the same article, which has been approved. Those articles are carrying same number of images at times, which is increasing the load of the database. I am pretty sure, many members must be facing the same issue.

  • #23122
    I totally agree with suggestion of "delete draft" button. I hope webmaster will consider this request.

  • #23123
    Yes, indeed - a delete button is need of the hour. There are times when I start working on a topic and later realise that it would not be wise to continue on it. I end up with saved drafts that remain unnecessarily under my profile.
    Since the articles are not published until you click on the button, they do not account to be the property of the site. So, I don't think there should be an issue with deleting them.

    Live....and Let Live!

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