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  • Category: Winner Announcements

    Article contest on Filing taxes online India Winners

    Dear Members,
    With reference to our earlier announcement for "Article contest on Filing taxes online India topic", find the winners as follows.

    The winners of the Best Article contest on the topic Filing taxes online India Article award goes to the below articles:

    5 things to know when filing for income tax returns and How to correct mistakes in online tax returns. The author of these two articles is Tech tête-à-tête / Juana.

    How to do Advance Tax e-payment online. The author of the article is Vandana.

    The Prize (Rs 250) will be added on respective profiles. Each will get only one prize despite two entries and links shown above.

    Good work from Tech members, thanks to all the participants in this contest and Congratulations to the Winners.
  • #22821
    Congratulations Juana and Vandana for winning this contest. It was indeed a difficult and complicated contest. The articles helped me in knowing things better, for which I was looking in the net for long and not getting much satisfactory answers.

  • #22822
    Congratulations Vandana and Juana on winning the contest. You have always excelled with your great performance.
    Live....and Let Live!

  • #22829
    Please check the text of the link provided for my article. It is incorrectly showing the text as Windows 10... instead of text on advance tax, the topic of my article.

  • #22830
    The contest topic did not seem to excite members at all! Only Juana and myself participated, which is a pity. Thanks to the Webmasters that they nevertheless did consider our articles worthy of prizes.

  • #22831
    Truly speaking Vandana, the topic was too difficult for me at least. I generally participate in all contests, but this one scared me in the first sight itself. Income Tax scares people from all corners, even the contest writers.

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