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  • Category: Complaints

    Why Scoreboards are showing different results?

    I am seeing this since a few days, that my score in dashboard is differing from that of my scoreboard shown in my profile. It might be a mistake from my side, but how come the same mistake is taking place every time?

    I am just curious to know whether any other member is facing the same issue. It is also showing lesser number of resources than it has been approved within a stipulated time, say a week or month. I think same is going with other sections as well. To check if it is happening only with me, I have checked with other member profiles too, and there too I found the same.

    Friends please let me know what could be the reason behind this difference, as this is a little bit disturbing and confusing.
  • #22818
    This change has been effected since long. The score board now shows you only those posts that have been reviewed and approved. Previously the scorecard used to show all your posts and points.
    I had posted this query in the forum before and Tony sir had responded indicating these changes.
    Please refer to this previous thread for more info.

    Live....and Let Live!

  • #22820
    I know that, what I am saying is not what used to be earlier.
    I am comparing the two scores, one from the dashboard and one from the profile contribution. To be specific, right now my earning is showing Rs.837 in the dashboard, (obviously on the basis of approved posts), and the scoreboard in the profile is showing Rs.782.
    Even I am not counting anything which isn't approved yet.

  • #22823
    You may need to search based on the dates. Since payment announcements overlap on one another, it may cause such difference.
    Live....and Let Live!

  • #22824
    I was searching since the date of last payment announcement till date. Isn't that the correct date to look for? Please let me know, how it should be done, if it has to be done some other way.

  • #22826
    Well, I checked it just now. It happens that way because even when you calculate it from the date of last payment, some of your contributions prior to the payment announcement might have been approved after payment announcement. So it would be a bit tricky to understand the exact point from where you need to calculate.
    Well, I just hope I am making it clear to you because it appears quite confusing to myself. However, please note that the balance amount being shown under your dashboard is your correct and exact balance amount.

    Live....and Let Live!

  • #22827
    Might be you are right. So, we have no other way but to observe this month how it goes.
    Thanks Timmappa for making things clear to me.

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