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  • Category: Suggestions and Feedback

    Regarding the Annoncement of Awards

    This is to request Mr. Hafeez to not announce the awards before the checking of all the contributions. I have lost two of my awards recently and that really made me upset. You can think of yourself at my place, what if the awards you deserve are given to any other member? It really decreases my encouragement level. And recently I observed the latest announcement of MOW is wrong. The award seems to be coming in my way as my contributions in the Product sections are still not checked by the editors which will be included in that specific week and I will be on the top. Please don't announce the awards till my contributions are completely checked in all the sections of Techulator.
  • #22740

    My apologies if the awards were announced without waiting for all the sections to be reviewed for the award period. However, please note that the awards are not purely based on points. We do consider several other parameters including the overall value of the content contributed by the members.

  • #22741
    Tony sir,
    Thanks for your active participation in this thread. Even I have mentioned in one of the other thread in Forum that please don't announce the awards without waiting for for all the sections to be reviewed by the editors. Can that award of MOW can be changed now? I hope the backlogs will be clear soon.


    I find that the harder I work, the more luck I seem to have.

  • #22748
    I checked that week's contributions. The member topping the table is indeed the member whose name has been announced as the winner for that week, having posted articles with high points (high points meaning those were of good quality).

    I would suggest you focus on improving the quality of your posts. So in case there is a difference of just a few points between you & the week's table topper, you may have a chance. Don't give up!


  • #22751
    The member is on top of the list as my contributions in the Product section are still not reviewed by the editors which will be added in that week after approving. Though for now I'm not considering only points to win awards as Tony Sir mentioned in his response.


    I find that the harder I work, the more luck I seem to have.

  • #22756
    I gave my response above after checking your points via your scoreboard. For that particular week, you had posted 7 products. These have been reviewed and when I checked again today, your points included those from the product reviews. The total number of points for your week was 340. The winner got more points due to high points from his articles.

    I would like to make a suggestion here. I feel that not just you but all of us should avoid putting too much pressure on the admin. in hurrying to announce the awards and refrain from constantly sending them messages about it. Those who have been given the responsibility have got years of experience. They are surely considering the fact that some posts may still be under pending / new submissions. As contributors, we should regularly check our posts and quickly check if anything needs to be rectified. So let us cooperate and not get too impatient about the late announcement of awards or make untoward demands.

    In case you need any further clarifications let me know.


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