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  • Category: Complaints

    Error messages coming while uploading images for article

    After choosing the files for images, whenever I am trying to submit, it is showing error messages, so I am unable to upload images for my article. I have taken a screenshot of the error message, but as there isn't any option to upload it, I cannot.

    But here is the error code which is appearing:

    "Code: 1667bd61-2072-419b-a25e-3d08b0047f1b
    Please try to access the feature again by pressing the back button on the browser. "

    I request the webmasters to look into the matter and let me know, when I can try again.
  • #22589

    How big is the file you are trying to upload? According to the error logs, it says "file size exceeded". Can you try with a smaller size file?

  • #22590
    I was trying to upload 5 images of 500 pixel size, which is the recommended one. Shall I try with even lesser ones?

  • #22591
    Yes sir, I removed one of the files, and now it worked. Thank you a lot for your help Sir.

  • #22593
    Thanks Anwesha for creating this thread as I was also facing the same problem while uploading images to my articles. And that's the reason my recent articles are without any image. And also thanks to Tony sir for taking a active participation in this thread for clearing the doubts. I will be trying the method for the solution and I hope it will work with me too.

    I find that the harder I work, the more luck I seem to have.

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