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  • Category: Suggestions and Feedback

    Is there a fair usage policy on Techulator?

    I would like to know if there is any fair usage policy on Techulator in the TOS ? Is there any limit on the number of posts that can be published per day or is there limits on using any other sections of the website?

    Pardon me guys if you think i am being rude, it just that i don't want to repeat any mistakes for not following the TOS.
  • #22558
    Yes, there are some restrictions on number of posts you can contribute. They are imposed to make sure that spamming the site with a heavy messaging is avoided.
    A few restrictions include the following -

    1. You can not create more than 10 threads per day in the forum section. If you exceed the limit, you will face automatic ban from creating new threads for five days.

    2. If you have more than five deleted responses in Ask Experts section in last five days, you will get restricted access for the next five days.

    3. If more than five of your articles are pending for review or have been sent by editors to pending section for want of correction, you will not have be allowed to post any new articles till those are reviewed.

    4. Though I am not sure, but if certain number of your ASK Expert section responses are pending for review, you will not be able to post new responses until a couple of them are reviewed.

    There is no restriction, however on posting responses in the forum.

    Live....and Let Live!

  • #22566
    Well, Timmappa Kamat has already mentioned many of the restrictions on number of posts you can contribute. But still the members doesn't know the complete list of restrictions in different sections of Techulator. So I think it will be better if Tony sir can find some time to reply to this thread with the complete list of restrictions in different sections. I know he is busy a lot, but I hope he could spare some time from his busy schedule time for replying to this thread.

    I find that the harder I work, the more luck I seem to have.

  • #22567
    Thank you Kamat for helping me out, you have been very helpful to me in understanding Techulator.

    @Aman, there is no doubt on the fact that it will be great if Mr Tony can find some time to
    clear things out.

    Thank you guys .

    Keep it cool guys.......

  • #22581
    Well, yes, my friend. But as he has got a very busy schedule, it will be difficult for him to spare some time to reply on this thread. So let us wait and hope for his reply.

    I find that the harder I work, the more luck I seem to have.

  • #22598
    I have confirmed with Tony Sir the posting restriction limits. Here is the list:
    1. Forum threads: 10 threads but if there are 5 threads deleted in the last 5 days, then you cannot submit more threads.

    2. In Articles section:
    (i) You can submit 10 articles as new posts.
    (ii) If 5 are deleted in 5 days, then you cannot submit more articles.
    (iii) The Articles Pending Post Limit is 1 article.

    3. In Ask Expert section:
    (i) You can have maximum of 5 questions in the new posts in the last 5 days.
    (ii) The AE question Pending Post Limit is 1 question.
    (iii) You can have maximum of 25 answers in the new posts.
    (iv) If you have 5 answers in rejected status in the last 5 days, then you cannot submit more answers.
    (v) The AE answers Pending Post Limit is 1 answer.


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