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  • Category: Apple iOS

    List of devices supported by the Apple iOS 9

    Apple iOS 9 is here but the list of devices supported by the latest iOS 9 is not known to many, here is the list of devices supported by iOS 9:
    iPhone 4s, 5 , 5c , 5s, 6 , 6 Plus , 6s , 6s Plus

    iPad Air, Air 2 , mini 1 , mini 2 , mini 3 , mini 4 , Pro

    All devices that can run the iOS 8 can install the iOS 9 with limitations to certain functions.
  • #22516
    Thanks for the information. You could write an article on the topic, mentioning the limitations on functions.

  • #22522
    Instead of sharing this sort of Information on the forum, it would be a better idea to bring up an article on iOS 9. It sure is one of the trading topics these days- especially with the launch of iPhone 6S and 6S Plus. I would egg on you to write an article on the subject.
    Live....and Let Live!

  • #22535
    Thank you guys for your support, i will surely write an article on the iOS 9 and its limitations.
    Keep it cool guys.......

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