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  • Category: General

    When does the date change in Techulator?

    I have observed a fact, that in Techulator, the date doesn't change as per Indian Standard Time. That is it doesn't change at 12.00a.m. Rather it changes somewhere the next day, but exactly when, I didn't get to know so far.
    I am just curious to know, as that helps better to get the scoreboard results right.
    Friends please let me know, when does exactly, the date changes in Techulator.
  • #22260
    I have observed the same thing Anwesha. The date do not actually changes according to the Indian Standard Time. I do not know the actual reason behind the date changing process on Techulator. However, the date on Techulator changes the next day in the post meridiem/afternoon time. And I have also observed that the date doesn't change at the correct afternoon time, it is quite near to it. Like it changes at 12:30PM or somewhat very close to it. This is what I have observed by working on Techulator so far, hope to see the response from the webmaster for a better clearance.

    I find that the harder I work, the more luck I seem to have.

  • #22262
    Yes, I was wondering whether this delay in the change of date would affect the result of the score board of each member. As every award is based on the point system clubbed with the given span of a stipulated time, calculating the points and cash credits might get tougher with this.

  • #22264
    No, this delay in the date changing process of Techulator does not affect the result of the score board of each member. The only difference which arise is that the members are free to contribute in the previous week before the afternoon time of the Monday of the next week. However, the time of a week remains correct, i.e, Monday afternoon to the next Monday afternoon time. For a better understanding suppose: You have contributed some content before the afternoon time of this Monday. Then the points earned by you from that contributions will not be added in this week. However, they will be included in the previous or thw last week that was the last week of the previous month (24th August 2015 to 30 August 2015).

    I find that the harder I work, the more luck I seem to have.

  • #22266
    Anwesha, the date changes somewhere between 12 .30 pm and 1.00 pm. I am at my workplace at the time and not necessarily on my PC , so I have been able to find the exact time. Will try if I remember to find the exact time and let you know. But, it should not affect your scorecard much. A 4 hours difference won't make the biggest difference as far as my thinking goes.

    @Aman, please refrain from elongating the response by repeating the same words over and again.

    Live....and Let Live!

  • #22269
    Timmappa Kamat,
    I was not trying to elongate my response, I was just trying to help Anwesha for a better understanding. You would have said the same if I repeated anything in my second response. But I just gave an example for a better understanding. But still if you think that I was elongating my response then I am happy to see the reduced points on my response.


    I find that the harder I work, the more luck I seem to have.

  • #22276
    I am not sure, but I think the date changes to the next day's date at or after 1.30p.m. I think only Tony Sir would know this since the server is probably based in USA. I will request him to clarify.

  • #22277
    Our server is hosted in USA and follows Pacific Time. Even within the Pacific Time Zone, the time changed 2 times a year which is called "Day Light Saving Time".Read more about Pacific Time.

  • #22279
    Tony Sir, the link you gave simply confused me. I still do not know when exactly the date change occurs here. I think one of us needs to keep a second by second vigil tomorrow and check precisely at what time the date changes to 4th!

  • #22287
    Thanks Tony sir for clearing some of my doubts regarding the date changing process of Techulator. But, can we get the exact date changing time of Techulator in the Indian Standard Time sir?

    I find that the harder I work, the more luck I seem to have.

  • #22290
    It would be clear on checking the link given that the date starts at 13.30 IST. However, when I observed it today, it seemed to me as if it changed somewhere between 12.30 and 13.00. Is daylight saving time ON right now?
    Live....and Let Live!

  • #22294
    Time changed at 12.30 today! Though I could not check it upto the minute, it is near 12.30.
    Live....and Let Live!

  • #22295
    Thanks a lot everybody, now things are clear, I have another 12 hrs extra per day....hurrah!!!

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