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  • Category: Winner Announcements

    Member of the Week Award 17th to 23rd Aug 2015

    Hi Techians,

    With reference to our earlier announcement for MOW and our usual awarding system in Techulator, we are announcing the winner of the Member of the Week Award for 17th to 23rd Aug 2015, this week award goes to Timmappa Kamat for an outstanding contribution.

    Congratulations to Timmappa Kamat for MOW award and best of luck members for the next time!.

    Thanks to all members and participants.
  • #22250
    Oh My God! Cant exactly understand what is happening with me. This is the second consecutive Member of the week award for me for the second time!

    I am sure I should slow down a bit now. Continuing with the same trend will make my fellow members lose out on their truly deserving treat.

    Thanks anyways Hafeez Bhai for this announcement.

    Live....and Let Live!

  • #22258
    Congratulations Timmappa Kamat for being selected as a winner for the "Member of the Week Award 17th to 23rd Aug 2015". Your contributions are always very high and that pays you well with such awards. Keep it up.

    I find that the harder I work, the more luck I seem to have.

  • #22270
    Thanks for those words, Aman.
    I am glad that my hard work is paying me off quite handsomely, yet at times I feel I should slow down a little so that other deserving members can win the awards too.

    Thanks for the congratulatory message though.

    Live....and Let Live!

  • #22271
    I guess yes, you should slow down a bit now. I am not saying you to totally stop your contributions, you should contribute more and more on Techulator.

    I find that the harder I work, the more luck I seem to have.

  • #22281
    Timmappa Kamat, congrats once again for yet another award. Looks like you are making a clean sweep of all the awards with not much left for the competition!

  • #22284
    Thank You Vandana, and that is why I am contemplating taking a couple of days off from Techulator!
    Seriously, I tried doing that, but could not as I am too much used to the site.

    Live....and Let Live!

  • #22286
    Congratulations again Timmappa. I just went through the conversation where I found you and Aman talking about slowing down your contribution.
    But I totally disagree with that. Here there is no scope of partiality. So, you have won totally on your merit and hard work. Let other members compete and increase their speed if they want to see their name replacing you.
    The other thing which might be crossing our mind is the award system. Yes, it is true that the one who has the biggest score in points will automatically win all the other ones as well. In a way that is justified to encourage and give good value to his work. But there can be other rewards as well to encourage other members who couldn't devote that much time but has contributed good quality work.
    Then that system will work as the break even and more and more members can join in to increase the total revenue pull of the site.

  • #22289
    Well, thank a lot Anwesha, for those thought provoking words. I guess your views really mean lot. Let other members compete and work hard. Why should I stop myself from contributing when I have the ability to? After all, I have not "automated something" so that I keep contributing without having to work on my own! So thanks for making me understand.
    I have always supported the views expressed by you and Vandana on the issues caused by points based award system. But we need to live with it until webmasters come up with a new idea.

    Live....and Let Live!

  • #22292
    Well Timmappa, I think you have missed out a typo, please edit the name where you have typed Candana instead of Vandana.

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