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  • Category: Suggestions and Feedback

    MIA: interesting article contests!

    Missing in Action are interesting article contests. There does seem to have been a poor response to the previous couple of contests perhaps due to the topics not being as interesting as earlier contests. I feel we should have topics that would attract a large number of members rather than just 2-3 members. The topic also should be such that there are varied aspects of it that can be covered otherwise once one article is submitted on it, nobody else can really come up with other aspects to cover.

    Perhaps members could suggest topics?
  • #22234
    Yes, even I feel the same. There can be some reflective topics on technology, which will collect some comprehensive knowledge about the technology and the usage concerned.
    Which are the best apps for security
    The apps launched in the last six months.
    The latest news in the field of technology
    Features of Smartphone that are really smart.

    Not sure though how far these can appeal the writers.

  • #22283
    We've finally got an article contest! Everyone please do take part in this contest.

  • #22291
    Somebody listened to what Vandana has been asking for. We are back with an artice contest.
    I plan to participate this time. Let me see how it works out.

    Live....and Let Live!

  • #22300
    Article contest is there every month. What Vandana might be meaning to say is, the topics should be interesting enough to invite more number of contestants.
    This thread was started to invite more ideas and suggestions of topic which nobody has yet participated in.
    It would be great if members share their own favorite niche which can be selected as the next topic for a contest.

  • #22323
    I would like to suggest that the article contest should be on the trending topics like what has been stared now "The article contest on comparing any smartphone with the Gionee F103". This will surely attract many people to open the site. Moreover the suggestions for more good topics to start an article contest from my side are:

    1. Top ten latest smartphones under Rs 10K
    2. Top ten best budget gaming computers
    3. Top 5 latest smart watches under some specific price

    Techulator should create article contest on the topic like these as they will also fulfill the latest or trending part and they will also attract the people as these are the demands of many people.


    I find that the harder I work, the more luck I seem to have.

  • #22346
    Members are requested not to take potshots at each other. I have deleted the unnecessary quarrelsome responses.

  • #22362
    That's what I was suggesting Vandana. A editor should also remove the content if he/she thinks it irrelevant and then the points should be given on the relevant response. Simply reducing points doesn't improve the site.

    I find that the harder I work, the more luck I seem to have.

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