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  • Category: General

    Please tell me payment procedure

    Finally I reached my payment limit, I am not aware with payment procedure so please guide me.

    I already configured my secret pin and minimum limit is 100
  • #22177
    First of all, congratulations on reaching your payment threshold. But you will need wait for the payment announcement in September.
    Payments will be normally announced by around 10th of every month. You will receive a mail when a payment is announced for you. You can check your profile under the tab "Gifts and awards" , wherein the payment amount and invoice number will be indicated. You need to submit the invoice quoting the exact invoice number and your secret pin along with other self explanatory details.
    You need to upload the completed invoice on the same page. Your payment will be transferred to the bank account you indicate in your invoice within a couple of days.

    You can get further details HERE.
    Express any further doubts you may have. We will be glad to help you.

    Live....and Let Live!

  • #22183
    You said your minimum limit is 100. But that doesn't count here. The minimum payment threshold is Rs.1000.
    Once the payment is announced and you get the mail, download the invoice format from your Profile Page, fill it, save it and upload it there itself. Then you have to type a few words in the given space, like "invoice for August 2015 uploaded" then click on submit.
    After this there is nothing to be done from your side.

  • #22190
    Joy Joon,
    Could you let us know where you got the information that the minimum payout is Rs.100? In case it was mentioned somewhere in the site we will correct it. Or is it just a misconception on your part? The information given by Answesha is correct, that the minimum payout is Rs.1000. I suggest that you go through this Help topic: How to receive payments.


  • #22201
    Vandana, he has reached the payment threshold of Rs. 1000. I checked his profile before answering his query. Maybe it is a typing error. Else how could he mention that he has reached the payment threshold and say he has set minimum payout as Rs. 100?
    On the other hand, he might have set the minimum payout amount as Rs. 100 in his profile. I remember I had set it to Rs. 300 when I had just joined Techulator.

    Live....and Let Live!

  • #22203
    Timmappa Sir you are absolutely correct when I joined Techulator my friend set the minimum payout to Rs. 100 but further I got aware with the rules.
    I am currently pursuing High School and planning to pursue career in Computer. Currently, I work on one of my blog - JTech Articles.

  • #22204
    Joy John, I would advise you to change it to 1000 or any other higher amount you would wish to for your payout.
    Setting a lower payout will not mare any sense as the minimum payout stipulated as per site guidelines is Rs. 1000.

    Live....and Let Live!

  • #22205
    I wanted to say the same.
    One more thing, just wanted to keep you abreast of so that you don't need to be anxious about:
    After submitting the invoice, it might take a couple of days or sometimes a little bit more than that for getting the money transferred. But as soon as it is done, you will be notified by an email from Techulator.

    One more tip is, better you save the invoice in your system, afterwards, for every month you can simply change the date, invoice no. and amount before you upload it.

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