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  • Category: General

    Can Technology Fight Corruption?

    Hi Techians
    We are all here to discuss and share our knowledge regarding technology. But technology is only a tool to overcome or make an issue easier to handle. Right now, the problem with which every Indian is vexed with is corruption. We don't know whom to believe. But when major problems like communication and security has been addressed by technology, can't it do the same for fighting corruption? I am pretty sure, it can.
    Please come up with real ideas and knowledge and participate in this discussion. Let us know which technological devices can fight back Corruption.
    Let Techulator contribute in building up a corruption-free India.
  • #22165
    Well, technology has been helpful in tackling corruption with the current direct benefit transfers. The corruption involved in the LPG distribution has been eradicated.
    A special mention can be made of a website named You can report when you are asked to pay bribe by a public official. Such small initiatives can have the needed effects if responded by a large number of citizens.

    Live....and Let Live!

  • #22166
    Not in that sense Timmappa, what I mean to say is, as there is mobile, internet and GPS for communication, and it also helps in achieving the first level of security, can there be some other way, that will automatically prevent corruption from taking place.
    For example, CCTV cameras are helpful in many ways, like they are also there in operation theatres, because of which doctors are being careful from being negligent while dealing a patient, in the same way, if we automatize each govt. action or take the help of technology in publicizing their activities, wouldn't it help?

  • #22169
    Technology is really helping people to fight against the corruption. We also have a website "" for fighting against corruption. This website was launched in August 2010 so as the users can easily report it when and where they were asked to pay bribe to a public servant/official.

    The real challenge in India is the high ticket bribes that are taken at the top of the pyramid. And those bribes are really done in a very sophisticated fashion. The most effective use of technology in fighting against corruption in India has been in the sting operations.

    Now coming to the ways that will automatically prevent corruption from taking place due to the technology:
    Technology can be used by the citizens and civil society for raising the awareness about the serious issues of corruption, to report abuses and to collect the data and also to monitor the government activities. The best and the first step to stop corruption in India is to improve yourself first if you are a corrupted person. The second step is to help others in improving. We can also use technology to fight against corruption. We can use the social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter etc which are used by mostly every smartphone user so as to post the videos of corruption, bribe taking and that will surely motivate many people to come together and fight against corruption.

  • #22171
    Awareness is a "dream" in India, which has got very very bleak chances of becoming true.
    That's why I am talking about automated process, where whether an Indian citizen is "aware" "conscious" "conscientious" or not, things will happen smoothly.

    Corruption isn't only limited in the action of taking or giving bribes, it is in the falsehood that is inherent in the public mind. When any citizen is trying to escape his duty, his responsibility and trying to fool others or an institution, it is "corruption".

    So a mere website will come to no help at all. It has to be a full proof system which can fight back this tendency of Indian citizen. For example, in Kolkata Metro Railway, the ticket checking system is so technically sound, that none can escape and travel without a ticket or paying less for more number of stations.

    I am talking about such kind of technology which would automatically make people do their work irrespective of their habits and bad habits.

  • #22191
    Members, Anwesha is not talking about online sites at all but about technological devices. So here goes - I am letting my imagination roam free....

    We have fitness & sleep trackers nowadays, as also diabetic trackers and wake up alarm apps. Suppose somebody came up with a wearable device or a table monitor that pings when something wrong is done? Just as the modern devices track heart rate and blood pressure, why not a device that tracks the things associated with doing something guilty (example, excessive sweating and nervous tics)?!!


  • #22193
    Exactly Vandana, it has only to be technical devices which has to be implemented everywhere.
    But there is no use of finding something which detects after something has already gone wrong. It has to eradicate the scope of such actions taking place beforehand.
    This is because when somebody does wrong and others encourage it, they know very well that it is wrong, so who will tie the bell around the cat's neck?
    So, if people know all their actions is going to be aired public, if each government action is digitized and publicly posted and recorded, if police stations and jails compulsorily put cctv cameras and their output displayed outside the office premises, things can automatically improve.
    Even the already launched devices can do a lot, if their prices become affordable and the implementation becomes compulsory. Every institution, every office, every public place has to be under strict surveillance.
    The idea behind is, people are not scared of judges, police and law. But they are afraid of their images falling down in front of their near and dear ones and public as a whole.
    We have to harp on this particular line.

  • #22195
    I agree. Catching corrupt people through surveillance devices is just one part of it. I think the corrupt act & person(s) involved should also be publicly displayed. For example, the IT Department displays in print advertisements a list of tax defaulters. Why not have something similar for corrupt people? There could be an electronic board, say in a major area of the city, where a list of Ministers, government officers, staff peons, etc - anybody who has taken a bribe or bought a product or availed a service without paying - would be displayed.

  • #22196
    Well, Vandana - that's an excellent idea indeed. That will refrain the general public and other officials from indulging into such corrupt behaviour.
    Having such electronic boards in all the public places like bus terminus or railway stations would be best possible deterrent.

    Live....and Let Live!

  • #22200
    This is very important issue raised by the author and it should be discussed thoroughly.

    In my opinion, use of technology would surely help us in the fight against corruption. Here are some suggestions by me :

    - We can use "hidden/tiny cameras" to make a video proofs of the corrupt officer.

    - Same as small cameras, there are "tine sized sound recorders" also available in the market, we can use them for recording audio clips of the corrupt persons.

    - CCTV cameras should be implemented in the cabins of all government officers.

    - Similar to the suggestion mentioned by Vandana ma'm in response no. #22195. We can use facebook, Whatsapp, twitter etc. for sharing pics and video proofs of the corrupt persons and officers.

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