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  • Category: Testimonials

    How about celebrating the Birthday of Techulator?

    We all are a family now. We know each other through this wonderful virtual house named Techulator. Each day, it brings us together, it lets us know what's the latest trend. It has helped a number of budding writers by giving them an open scope to earn while they learn. I don't know much about others, but Techulator has a very vital place in my life, and it has taught me many things, step by step.

    While browsing the site,we come to know that Techulator has been there quite a few years now. So, there must be a day when it was registered and got its shape. Why can't we celebrate its birthday, and do something different, have a virtual party online, and shower our love for this lovely site.

    Friends, come and contribute ideas! Let's plan a Birthday Party for Techulator, but for that the webmasters need to let us know the Day and also allow us to do so.
  • #22080
    That's a wonderful idea, Anwesha. Having a virtual birthday could be a really rewarding experience.
    I just request the webmasters to come up with the exact date of birth of our lovely site.

    Live....and Let Live!

  • #22083
    That's really a great idea! I am ready to join you.
    I hope the webmasters will reply to this thread soon so as we can know the exact day when Techulator was registered.

  • #22087
    Hee heee heeeeee....Yes. I am at least expecting the 'Cake images' from Techulator to my profile to enjoy this one.

  • #22089
    That is a very good suggestion. We can start celebrating birthday of Techulator from next time onwards. By the way, my youngest son and Techulator were born on the same moment :-)

  • #22090
    What a co-incidence Sir, that's wonderful. So the party will be even more grand.
    But we did not come to know the date yet. Even if it is coming next year, we can start planning from now itself.
    When the date will near, we'll start the celebration part of it.
    Please let us know if you agree.

  • #22093
    That's really awesome, Tony sir. Double celebration for you indeed.
    It is too good that we have now decided to celebrate the birthday.

    Live....and Let Live!

  • #22095
    Great suggestion indeed.

    As Tony sir has given a hint in his response no. #22089 that his youngest child and Techulator / MyWindowsClub were born on the same day. Therefore, we can assume that the Date of Birth of Techulator is 16 June, 2010. Earlier, it was known as MyWindowsClub, but after the domain disput with Microsoft , Tony sir changed its name to Techulator even though he had won the case against Microsoft.

    Techulator is now 5 years old. The sad part is that, we have to wait 10 more months for the celebration of its birthday.

  • #22097
    Thanks a lot Mudassir for this piece of information, we come to know a little bit more about the history of this site. And now that we have almost a year to plan, we all can make it a grand success.
    If the webmasters do not have any technical issue, we can continue in this thread itself and pour in our ideas, about how to go about it.

  • #22100
    Coming to this thread a bit late, but nevertheless excited since birthdays are always exciting! What we should do is have a unique contest just to celebrate TEC's birthday.

    Another suggestion would be to have special awards for active contributors in each section for those who are behind the top 3 contributors & thus lose out on the regular awards due to the points system. June 16th was just 2 months back and the Webmasters could still announce such awards this year, it being TEC's 5th year - the age 5 often being celebrated in big style for a child, right?!


  • #22104
    Yes, I had a similar idea to that of Vandana, the contest could be of writing the best Testimonial for the site and posting it in various social media.

    Another could be creating a graphic presentation of a virtual cake and a Birthday Decoration for the site.

    Another could be creating a message board, where we can send our wishes for Techulator.

    A virtual gift sending option can also be done, including greeting cards etc.

  • #22108
    Great suggestions coming up from members. I do hope that webmasters will come up with a plan soon. It will help us in engaging into the festive mood for the birthday.
    I also second the suggestions put forth by Vandana about announcing special awards for those who are left out from regular awards. That would be a great gesture of showing them that they too are important for the site.

    Live....and Let Live!

  • #22119
    Techulator was registered on 4th March, 2012 ! Start your planning and let the party begin.

  • #22120
    So, now that's a great piece of information. Thank you Prashant for letting us know the date of registration.

    Let the arrangements start.!

    Live....and Let Live!

  • #22124
    Thank you Prashant, now it really feels like a family with a great enthusiasm for a party ahead.
    Also please come up with some suggestions and ideas.

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