How about celebrating the Birthday of Techulator?
We all are a family now. We know each other through this wonderful virtual house named Techulator. Each day, it brings us together, it lets us know what's the latest trend. It has helped a number of budding writers by giving them an open scope to earn while they learn. I don't know much about others, but Techulator has a very vital place in my life, and it has taught me many things, step by step.While browsing the site,we come to know that Techulator has been there quite a few years now. So, there must be a day when it was registered and got its shape. Why can't we celebrate its birthday, and do something different, have a virtual party online, and shower our love for this lovely site.
Friends, come and contribute ideas! Let's plan a Birthday Party for Techulator, but for that the webmasters need to let us know the Day and also allow us to do so.