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  • Category: Complaints

    My points are getting reduced in the forum section

    Today morning my points in the forum section reached 113, and now when I checked, it is showing 106. What could be the reason? I just don't want to keep on raising complaints every now and then, but each time I log in, something or other is catching my attention which is unusual.

    I just want to know the reason, so that, if this occurs again, I don't panic. I also want to get a better know how of this site, so that my complaints reduce in number and I can concentrate more on my contributions.
  • #22008

    Where did you check your forum points? You should be checking it on your profile page under contribution tab. You can change the start and end date thus enabling you to Check your points in each section for the concerned period.
    If you are talking about the points that show up when you hover your mouse on the name that appears among the forum super stars , let me make it clear to you that those are the points over the last 30 days. So they are bound to change each day you check it. Suppose you had scored 30 points on July 1 and your per day points went down after that, to day being 31st, your points from 2nd July will count in this calculation.
    I hope I have made it clear to you. Don't check your points from the super stars list (in any section). Check them under the " contributions" tab in your profile.

    Live....and Let Live!

  • #22009
    Oh! That's what, then its all fine. Thanks Timmappa, you explained it really well. You guessed it right too. Day by day this site is getting more interesting for me.
    Now as the issue has been resolved I request the Webmasters to lock this thread.

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