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  • Category: Winner Announcements

    Member of the Week Award 29th Jun to 5th Jul 2015

    Hi Techians,

    With reference to our regular awarding system in Techulator, we are announcing the winner of the Member of the Week Award for 29th Jun to 5th Jul 2015, this week award goes to Aman for an outstanding contribution.

    Congratulations to Aman for MOW award and best of luck members for the next time!.

    Thanks to all members and participants.
  • #21934
    Congratulations Aman for the award. Good to see you back in action.
    I look forward to some quality content from you in the future as well.
    Congratulations once again.

    Live....and Let Live!

  • #21938
    Congratulations Aman. I went through your posts. They were really useful. In fact I got a lot of information at one place which I was searching in the web. Keep it up.

  • #21945
    Well done, Aman. Congratulations for winning the Member of the Week Award once again. You contrbution in Ask Experts section during the said week was very high. That is reason, you have won this award. Keep up the good work and best of luck for next time. Congrats once again.

  • #21947
    Firstly, thanks Mr. Hafeez for announcing the award. Thanks a lot Timmappa, Anwesha and Muddassir for your words. And yes, my Ask Expert contributions paid me well. And I hope to keep the same pace.

    I find that the harder I work, the more luck I seem to have.

  • #21971
    Congratulations Aman for being selected as a winner for the MOW award. This is the result of your hard work in the Ask Expert section. I hope every one will keep contributing and best of luck to other members for the future awards.

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