For second opinion, you should definitely get the help from internet. There are some of the websites for US citizens which provide unbiased and without any financial strings. Such information is harder to get in india. So if you check the association websites in US, you'll find some decent information on those sites. For example, many doctors in india, perform surgery for even minor stuff which is not at all needed. However, when you cross verify such information with US based health sites, You find that you are being tricked in india by doctors. Exactly such event happened with one of the relatives. I checked one doctors website and paid him an hour for consultation. It seems that the operation was not needed but indian doctors were desperate to get the person into operation and wanted to charge 40K onwards for that. So definitely do not take opinion of indian doctors blindly. A large percentage of them are into this for money. I know I could be offending them with such statement, however, after going through one such incident. I can't easily trust the doctors now.