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  • Category: Winner Announcements

    Super Contributor Awards June 2015 - Forum section Winner

    Hi Techians,
    With reference to our earlier announcement on Super Contributor Awards from Techulator, here are the results of the super contributor award for the Month of June 2015 for Forum section!

    The Super Contributors for Forum section are:
    1. Timmappa Kamat
    2. Carlos Solanki

    Congratulation to the super contributors on this great achievement. Super contributors are going to receive an award as per announcement (above first link), in addition to the normal cash and revenue share member receive for posting Question and Answers.

    Keep continue to contribute in this section to become winner. All the best.
  • #21840
    Wow, finally! Thanks Hafeez for the announcement. This is my fifth super contributor award in the section - if I have not lost count. Thanks to all my fellow members for the continuous support and Co - operation which I regularly am experiencing.
    Congrats the fellow winner - Carlos.

    Live....and Let Live!

  • #21848
    Congratulations again Timmappa and to you too Carlos. The Forum was quite vibrant this time, because of both of you. Waiting for some more interesting issues from you in this section to discuss about.

  • #21850
    Well, I beg to disagree on those comments about the forum being vibrant because of us. In fact, I indulged in some nasty kind of comments and arguments that should not have happened. I was not happy with myself for what has happened between me and Carlos during the last week of the month.
    Thanks for the congratulatory message though.

    Live....and Let Live!

  • #21852
    Webmasters are requested to re-consider. I think quality should be considered and not points. Undeserving members who garner tons of points through useless responses should not get such awards. The points system should be scrapped. Why there should be even a minimum limit also I really do not understand. Just because a member does not reach the minimum of 100 points, they are undeserving of it?

  • #21854
    By the way, I am not referring to just the forum section but also other sections. Consider only quality, not points. Why can't a member with good quality articles also be considered even if the articles are few and the points accumulated are less? Why can't a member with good quality answers which provide precise answers to Ask Expert queries be given the award?

  • #21855
    I agree with Vandana, I think quality of content (articles/expert answers/forum) should be the utmost importance on TEC and rewards should be accordingly based on the same.

  • #21856
    Well, I second the opinions being put forth by the above members. That way, the awards will be more meaningful. In the same way as the member of the week and member of the month are awarded, I guess a similar procedure will be better for the announcement.
    Live....and Let Live!

  • #21857
    Well, many times the same thought crossed my mind, but I was also respecting the automated process, which cuts down the scope of controversy.
    The mid-way that is coming up in my opinion is while allotting points to each post. The basis shouldn't be word count, but the subject matter.
    Thanks Vandana for coming up so clearly with the words, we were all contemplating in silence.

  • #21861
    Thanks to everyone for the honest feedback. We will take all these valuable points into consideration, have an internal discussion and try to improve our award selection process.

  • #21862
    Congratulations Timmappa Kamat for winning Super Contributor award of Forum section once again. Keet it up.

  • #21913
    Congratulations Timmappa Kamat and Carlos Solanki for being awarded with the Super Contributor Awards of June 2015 - Forum section winners. I completely agree with the suggestions put forward by our Forum editor - Vandana. It will be great if such Super contributor awards for every section would be awarded like the Member of the week awards are awarded. A member must be judged by the quality of content not by just points. So keep contributing Timmappa Kamat and Carlos Solanki and best of luck to other members for the future awards of Techulator.

    I find that the harder I work, the more luck I seem to have.

  • #22005
    With the month ending, looks like the 2 deserving members have lost out on the award.

  • #22006
    Well, I guess- One of the deserving members is likely to make it to the top the time. However, this is my personal opinion..
    Live....and Let Live!

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