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  • Category: Complaints

    Where are our discussions leading to?

    Feedback and complaints on #Techyulator

    It has been observed that each of us have raised up many important issues in this forum section. Many of them are directly related to our points and earning and rest are important in making our site more user friendly and updated. But except few complaints, most of those complaints are not been addressed, or even answered by the webmasters.

    In my opinion, forum carries a lot of importance, only when the discussion brings about some changes. It shouldn't be only a field where discussing things result in increasing points and lead in giving us awards for best contribution in this section.

    I think even other members will also agree to this point and all of us would love to see those necessary changes taking place and enjoy a bug free site where contributing is easier and satisfactory while we make a close knit family of members.
  • #21792
    I totally agree that the Webmasters must address the complaints of members in the forum. Forum editors have been forwarding the issues to their notice, but if they do not reply in the thread, it does get frustrating for the members!

    On the other hand, if the Webmasters come up with some other priority work that needs to be dealt with, the forum-reported issues get sidelined unfortunately.


  • #21795
    I agree with Vandana and Anwesha. As the editors, we are always forwarding the issues pointed out here in the forum section to the attention of the webmasters. Maybe, they are planning to make the necessary changes in the background. But, responding to the concerns raised by the members should be utmost important. Members will not have any information on what is going on behind the scenes, so I just hope webmasters come online and respond to these threads.
    Live....and Let Live!

  • #21796

    One of your previous complaints - the difficulties in adding multiple attachments is resolved now. Check the attachments feature now.

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