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  • Category: Revenue & Rewards

    Payment not yet processed

    Please note that this is not a complaint in the exact sense. Payment for May has been announced last week. Even after uploading the invoice, it has not been processed yet. This is the first time that such delay has been observed between the payment announcement and the processing. It used to be just a couple of days.
    Is there any issue? I am asking just because it has been more than 5 days since the payment has been announced.
    To Team - Please delete the thread if it is against rules to post queries regarding payments here.
  • #21509
    It may take anywhere between few hours to few days to process the payments once the invoice is submitted. Even though our aim is to process the payments within 2 days, sometimes it goes up to 1 week. It has been 5 days since we announced your payment and it would be processed within a day or two.

  • #21510
    Thanks Tony Sir for the update. My intention was not to doubt the reliability on the part of Techulator. I was just curious to know the reason as I have not seen such delay in the past.
    Live....and Let Live!

  • #21649
    [Response removed by Admin. Read forum policies.]

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