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  • Category: Other Browsers

    What are the main features of Microsoft Edge?

    Microsoft Edge features

    Recently Microsoft 's his new bro Project Spartan was named Edge.I would like to know the features of Microsoft Edge.
  • #21439
    You can read the articles which have been submitted recently for the contest on this browser.

    Refer:Article contest on Microsoft Edge browser


  • #21443
    You are advised to post such queries in the correct section. Posting these kind questions in the Ask Experts section is more advisable. You are requested to note this henceforth.
    Live....and Let Live!

  • #21452
    Closing the thread to avoid any unnecessary pulling up of thread. You can refer to the link provided by Vandana for more information on Edge browser. You may also check the Ask Experts section where a few queries on the topic have been discussed.
    Live....and Let Live!

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    If required, refer to the URL of this page in your new post.