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  • Category: General

    Can we write on android development?

    Wriying on Android development

    I am a android geek and knows almost every aspect of Android. So, I want to ask can we write on Android Development articles like rooting and installing custom ROM in a particular phone or what to do if you phone got bricked. If we can do this then in which category we have to write the article.
  • #21385
    First of all, rooting is not Development unless you are developing the ROM. App making will also fall under Android development but just rooting won't.
    You can use the the below category for such articles. But usually such articles are just rewritten from other websites so we might / might not accept it. It will depend on the originality of the article.
    Resources » Computers & Smart Devices » Unlocking and Rooting Phones

  • #21386
    Of course, you can post articles on the topics mentioned by you. As you can see if you browse through the articles list you can find for yourself that there are a large number of articles on the subject.
    Be sure to use proper English and take care to submit the article in the correct section. Also make sure you follow proper guidelines as the procedure Involved in such rooting or unlocking is normally sourced from several websites. You cannot be sure to get better points or cc for such articles.

    Live....and Let Live!

  • #21387
    Webmaster I will myself pick that device and all pictures will be took by me only and about writing each and every word will be written me.
    I am currently pursuing High School and planning to pursue career in Computer. Currently, I work on one of my blog - JTech Articles.

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