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  • Category: Complaints

    Delay in Article checking by Editors

    Article review on techulator

    It's been long that my articles are not reviewed by Editors from a long. It never happened before it might be a problem but I request Editors check them as soon as possible.
  • #21354
    You are requested to kindly provide us the link of the article so that it can be brought to the notice of the team.
    Also please note that the editors here have their own professional life. Most of the editors here are either students or professionals working with some organisations. I request you to kindly have patience, your articles will be reviewed.

    Live....and Let Live!

  • #21356
    I know that they have their own personal life but it was not like this before Articles were checked withing 1 day only. Editors can take their own time for this. But as you said links to my articles are as follows.

    I am currently pursuing High School and planning to pursue career in Computer. Currently, I work on one of my blog - JTech Articles.

  • #21394
    The articles you've mentioned above were written on 9th May 2015 and 10th May 2015 respectively. This post "Delay in Article checking by Editors" was also written on the 10th May 2015.

    Please be patient, your earnings/points are safe at Techulator and continue to participate on this site. Articles usually take longer than "Ask Experts" posts to be reviewed due to their length, number of errors, editor's expertise among other things. Please utilize this period to fine tune the article and remove any errors that you may find yourself. Thanks!

  • #21423
    Now that the concerned articles have been reviewed and the process of review made clear to the member concerned, this thread is being closed. If members have anything to say in this context, I would request them to start a new thread citing this thread, or request the editors via private message to open the thread.
    Live....and Let Live!

  • This thread is locked for new responses. Please post your comments and questions as a separate thread.
    If required, refer to the URL of this page in your new post.