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  • Category: Complaints

    Need clarification for a Forum response

    Points in Forum

    I would like to know why my points are reduced in the response given in the thread for which the link is given below. Please don't think it as a complaint regarding the Forum editors it is just a thing which I want to clear. And I am not even greedy for the points, the editors can even delete the full response if they think it as an irrelevant response. I just want to know if there is a mistake in my response. Or is it irrelevant to the question? I didn't think so because all of the solution may work with the question that the member has asked. The link to the thread is given below:-

  • #21311

    We will confirm this with the forum editors. Please wait for feedback.


  • #21315
    As per the issue is solved now so I would like to request to the editors to please close this thread.

    I find that the harder I work, the more luck I seem to have.

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