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  • Category: General

    Regarding permission for writing articles and posting questions

    Dear Tony Sir,
    I apologise you for my mistakes in the past. As I was new on I was faing little bit of problems with writing good quality content. But now I assure you that from now I will devote my every hour to your site for writing best quality contents. So please allow me to write content.Thanking you in anticipation.
  • #20842
    I went through your profile and found that you have not been consistent. This is a technology related website and as such, you need to be quite careful with your content.
    Don't ever be in a hurry to submit your content, review it several times. Compare it with the similar topics on the same site. That way you will get to know the quality expected on Techulator.
    Now that your articles submission rights have been withheld, why don't you be active in forum or AE section? I have not come to see any kind of activity on your part in these sections. If you have any good ideas or info on the topics that appear relevant to this site, just come forward and post them on the forum. That way, webmasters will come to assess your writing skills. And that in turn will help you regain your posting rights in the resources section.

    Live....and Let Live!

  • #20854
    There are many members on Techulator who are blocked to post articles as the article section is the heart of the Techulator so it need to be maintained properly and editors always do that. So you need to be very careful while posting in the article section of TEC. If you want to get your rights to post in the article section than you need to be a active in the other sections of Techulator. And make sure to post good quality content in other sections so as the editors can approve them and reward them with good points and cash credit. Its also right to say that you have not been a active member on TEC so I guess it would be very difficult for you to get your access back to post articles. You must check the approved articles on TEC so as to learn from them and also for trying to match like them. And by that you will also be aware for the required quality to post articles on Techulator.

    I find that the harder I work, the more luck I seem to have.

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