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  • Category: Complaints

    Another blooper in AE section

    Even after repeated complaints, the AE responses are being reviewed with out paying attention to the authenticity. My point of dissent is this question wherein the last response describes the solution for desktop while the question is about a smartphone.
    I agree that not much point and cc have been awarded, yet care needs to be taken to let members stick to rules. If this is allowed then the members will be under an impression that whatever you post, you can get it passed as long as you fill up the requisite number of words. Since the reply is totally irrelevant, it would be wiser to warn the member. Hope everyone understands.
  • #20736
    Thanks Timmappa, the required action has been taken against the response.

  • #20743
    Thanks Prashant Bhai- for paying attention to my suggestion. It would be better to point this out to the member concerned because he is a newbie and might have inadvertently committed this mistake.
    Live....and Let Live!

  • #20774
    Yes, these type of irrelevant answers can also lead to create a bad impression on the other users and then that could create further problems.

    I find that the harder I work, the more luck I seem to have.

  • #20775
    Thankfully, you understand this - Aman. But unfortunately don't follow it. I have seen n number of irrelevant responses among your contribution. What matters to you is increasing your points and cc at any cost. If you preach something , it would gain weight only if you practice it.
    Just have a look at my this forum thread . Pay special attention to what webmaster has said.

    Live....and Let Live!

  • #20782
    That's not so Timmappa Kamat. Please please be aware of your given responses first. Check this link:-


    Is the second response given by you is relevant? I didn't think so because the member has only asked about the Android update on Samsung Galaxy Grand 2. But you have given an irrelevant answer to the question. Now tell me who like to fetch points you or me? And rather than knowing about me don't unnecessarily mention about me in your responses because if I started to do the same than you will not be able to bear that. So please make a note of it.


    I find that the harder I work, the more luck I seem to have.

  • #20791
    Don't try to make this a battleground. You might have seen a few of your responses have been removed by the webmasters. I never bump into older threads just to earn points. I don't give vague responses. I don't try to answer questions that I have no knowledge about. Check your content first and then blame others.
    And stop trying to intimidate other members. Point out my mistakes and I will give you proper reply. I challenge you that I have more of an info than you do about the things.
    One more thing - whenever there are questions about smartphones, I don't copy the info from I gather my information from different sources including websites and my friends circle and then response do. And that is the reason why I post a bit late. Your responses to such questions come within a few minutes of the question being asked. That should speak for itself, right?

    Live....and Let Live!

  • #20794
    By the way when did I say that you copy information of smartphones from I never said this. I even don't care from where do you copy them. Your late response doesn't matter to me because I have not stopped you to post late response. Is the answer given by you in the above link is relevant? I have never made this a battle battleground. Even I don't wish to make. Because I don't fight with the people like you. I hope you will improve because you need to be.

    I find that the harder I work, the more luck I seem to have.

  • #20798
    I need to be? Great indeed! Thanks for good wishes. I have clearly understood what sort of activities you do indulge in to gain points. I have also pointed them from time to time. And I pity you because you could not understand what the comment about gsmarena meant.
    God bless you.

    Live....and Let Live!

  • #20822
    Gentlemen! Kindly desist from using the forum as a battle for verbal duels. We have repeatedly requested that if you have find any errors in somebody being given incorrect cash credits, you can directly report it to the Webmasters or editors using the messaging system. Let us deal with it in the correct manner.

  • #20838
    Sorry Vandana madam for going a bit off. I respect your concerns about the neatness of the site and will not repeat the similar mistakes.
    Live....and Let Live!

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