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  • Category: Winner Announcements

    Article Contest: Accessories for Xiaomi Mi4 Winners

    Dear Techians,
    As per our earlier announcement for "Article contest on Accessories for Xiaomi Mi4 Winners topic", find the winners as follows;

    The winners of the Best Article contest on the topic Accessories for Xiaomi Mi4 Winners Article award goes to the below articles:

    Practical Accessories For The Xiaomi Mi4. The author of the article is Juana.

    Unique smartphone back covers for Xiaomi Mi4. The author of the article is Vandana.

    Top 5 must-have accessories for Xiaomi Mi4 smartphone. The author of the article is Mehdi.

    The Prize (Rs 250) will be added on respective profiles.

    Good work from Tech members, thanks to all the participants in this contest and Congratulations to the Winners.
  • #20621
    Congratulations to the trio. You have been really rocking on TEC. The kind of hard work and research you pour in while writing articles is quite evident in your writeups. Great going Vandana, Juana and Mehdi. Keep it up and keep motivating us.
    Live....and Let Live!

  • #20627
    Congratulations Juana and Vandana Ma'm. You both are really tough competitors. It feels proud to see my name with yours. Congratulation again to both of you and congratulations to me also. :-)

  • #20632
    Congratulations Vandana and Mehdi on being announced co-winners for this contest.
    @Timmappa - Thank you for your congratulatory note. I try my best to give my best.
    @Mehdi - You will agree with me when I say that a win is more satisfying when the competition is tough. Tough competition always brings out the best in contestants.
    I was pleasantly surprised to see my name mentioned as the winner. I didn't expect to win this contest, since both Mehdi's and Vandana's articles had been allotted more points than my work. Thank for you to the admin for announcing my name as the winner.

    A love affair with knowledge will never end in heartbreak!
    Take Care

  • #20640
    Congratulations Juana ma'am, Vandana ma'am and Mehdi for winning the article contest on Xiaomi Mi4. Keep it up. Best of luck for the next article contest.

  • #20654
    Congratulations Juana, Vandana and Mehdi for being selected as winners for the Article contest on Accessories for Xiaomi Mi4. I have gone through all the three articles mentioned above and I found that they all have been written with very high quality English and also have provided the complete information regarding your topics. All the back covers and accessories you all provided in your articles completely blend with your topics and are really nice.
    Although the result is announced very late but at last we have the winners here. So, keep your hard work continue on TEC.


    I find that the harder I work, the more luck I seem to have.

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