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  • Category: General

    Need a solution to an HTML error

    There is something apparently wrong with the html tags in this article. I cannot figure out what I am doing wrong. Can someone please tell me what I have done wrong.
  • #20370
    I think you have done nothing wrong. The error seems to be in the website. I went through another article recently with same errors and the author has done no mistake there too. This case is for the webmasters. They can help in solving such problem.

  • #20372
    Juana, I have had a similar problem in one of my articles in the past. What you need to do is you have to check if the boxes below 'Advanced Options' are all selected [tick-marked]. If not, your article will appear like the one you are seeing.

    When you click on the Advanced Options feature, you will see this:
    "Do not change the following selections, unless you are aware of how it works.

    Convert new lines to BR tag - Uncheck this only if you want to use html elements like . If this is unchecked, you will have to use
    tags for new lines.

    Format as HTML - Uncheck this only if you want to use programming source code in the article and want to display all < and > elements to appear in the content as it is without considering them as html tags.

    If you uncheck any of above fields, see the article yourself and make sure it is displayed as expected. In most cases, you will need to keep these flags checked/selected."

    Let me know if this helps.

  • #20374
  • Joined:20/01/2012
    Thank you Vandana for your guidance; yes it did help. I spent most part of the day trying to figure out what I was doing wrong, and how to resolve the issue. Thanks once again, you've been a great help.
    A love affair with knowledge will never end in heartbreak!
    Take Care

  • #20375
    This indeed was a new info for me. Tanks Vandana Mam for the detailed description. It will help me to understand the problems of other members better and answer them appropriately.

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