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  • Category: Winner Announcements

    Article Contest: Food & Nutrition Apps Winners

    Dear Techians,
    As per our earlier announcement for "Article contest on Food & Nutrition Apps topic", find the winners as follows;

    The winners of the Best Article contest on the topic Food & Nutrition Apps Article award goes to the below articles:

    Food and nutrition fun apps for kids. The author of the article is Vandana.

    Top Windows 10 Food and Nutrition apps. The author of the article is Ankit.

    Health and Nutrition Apps: How far are they helpful?. The author of the article is Anwesha.

    The fixed Prize (Rs 250) will be added on respective profiles.

    Good work from Tech members, thanks to all the participants in this contest and Congratulations to the Winners.
  • #20251
    Thank you Webmasters for selecting my article as one of the winning entries. Congratulations to Ankit and Anwesha too for their win.

    Hope to see more participants in future contests.


  • #20253
    Congrats to the trio -Ankit, Vandana and Anwesha
    Live....and Let Live!

  • #20256
    Congratulations to all the selected members for this award.

    I find that the harder I work, the more luck I seem to have.

  • #20281
    Congratulations to all the three winner. You really deserved this prestigious awards. Hope to give you a tough tackle in the next contest. :-)
    Congratulations once again.


  • #20286
    Congratulations Vandana, Ankit and Anwesha on a well deserved victory.
    A love affair with knowledge will never end in heartbreak!
    Take Care

  • #20333
    Congratulatoins to all three winners of Article contest; Vandana mam, Ankit and Anwesha. Keep up the good work.

  • #20344
    Congratulations to Vandana, Ankit and Anwesha for winning Food & Nutrition Apps contest. All of you deserve it.

  • #20345
    My heartiest congratulations to Ankit, Vandana and Anwesha for winning this contest. Really, your resources were a good contribution at Techulator and I wish you will continue your hard work here. Once again congratulations.

    "But education is still important because it opens the mind and expands it. And if your years in school were bad or boring you can still educate yourself now."

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