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  • Category: Suggestions and Feedback

    Want to know about payment process

    I went through the payment process details. Even after understanding the exact process, I am left with a doubt. I want to know whether payments are announced separately for each section? What I mean is whether the minimum payout of Rs.1000 should be reached for each section separately, or consolidated amount is considered. If I have some Rs.500 rupees in AE section, Rs.100 in resource section and Rs.400 in any other section, will my payment be announced, or do I need to reach the threshold of Rs.1000 in each section to get payment announced for each of them?
  • #20139
    You need to reach Rs.1000 in total, not for each section.

  • #20140
    You need to cross the minimum threshold of the payment i.e. Rs 1000 in techulator by any means from any section and once you reach to total of 1000 INR, you will find your name in the payment list.

  • #20141
    Please correct the second instance 1000 in your response, Mehdi Bro. It is saying 10000 instead of 1000.
    And thanks for clarification.

    Live....and Let Live!

  • #20142
    Thanks! I have corrected the mistake. It was just a typo error. Happens often to me. :-)

  • #20144
    I am also waiting to get my cash credit as it have crossed Rs 1 K.

    I find that the harder I work, the more luck I seem to have.

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