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  • Category: Suggestions and Feedback

    Clarification about an Ask Expert response

    This is with reference to my response to a AE question at this link . There is only one way to get the user switching hidden. Otherwise you have to live with it. The optiin i mentioned is a workaround. You can get it to unhide by following the procedure I mentioned. I agree, I should have added the note. I have now rectified the response.
  • #20022
    Google "may come out with an option to turn it off , but as of now, this is the ONLY way....
    Here is more of it on - Google forum . Hope my response is treated as valid because there can't be any valid response than this.

    Live....and Let Live!

  • #20033
    The reason for the deletion of your answer was that it was submitted twice i.e. multiple copies. And the reason of putting the answer in the pending status is that you have posted irrelevant information. The author has just asked how to switch off the user menu in Google chrome and you have started out with the benefits of the new user menu option in the Google Chrome. This clearly indicates that the member is dragging the content to get get more points and cash which is not a good practice. So, be precise and be to the point and that is the thing encouraged in techulator.
    So, I hope you will correct that answer according to my suggestion to validate it. Otherwise, it going to be in the pending status again.

    Also, avoid using too many tags in the Expert section. It is not encouraged over here.


  • #20036
    Well, I understand it now and I will correct it accordingly. Thanks a lot for your suggestion.
    Live....and Let Live!

  • #20038
    Also please don not give click-able links to other sources on techulator. You can just put the link as text or use the nfollow tag for external links.

  • #20047
    Mehdi, are you pointing about my link to the Google product forum in my above post? If yes, I will correct it
    Live....and Let Live!

  • #20049
    Yes, in fact you should not give click-able links to other sources in any content you post her in techulator. It is not generally encouraged here.

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