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  • Category: General

    Can we use both Kontera and infolinks accounts simultaneously on TEC?

    I have a Kontera and Infolinks account. I have already integrated my infilinks account with TEC. Can I integrate Kontera as well? Will that have any bad effect?
  • #20016
    As per Kontera policies, we cannot use intext ads of any other ad network if we are monetizing with Kontera. This applies not just to this site, but to monetization of your personal blogs/websites too. You can use either Kontera or Infolinks intext ads.

    Besides, if you see the Techlator page where we select the ad network we wish to incorporate, we can select only one of the options provided.

    By the way, Kontera is now Amobee.


  • #20019
    Thanks Vandana madam for the quick info. Glad that I didn't go for it.
    Live....and Let Live!

  • #20025
    It is not possible to use both Kontera and Infolinks at the same time in techulator. I think Infolinks is more profitable than Kontera/Amobee Ads. That's why webmasters decided to offer Infolinks revenue in techulator, I guess.

  • #20089
    By the way, Muddassir Bro, how many days or ad/page views does it take for info links to start revenue? My account is getting regular views, but earnings are still at zero.
    Live....and Let Live!

  • #20091
    Well Timmappa, I am also finding the answer of same question. I think first of all we need to cross 1000 page or ad views in our Infolinks account, after that we can see some earnings.

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