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  • Category: AdSense Revenue Sharing

    How to get Adsense Revenue for my articles

    Having an Adsense Account is mandatory for Adsense Revenue? I don't have any adsense account, is there any options available for me?
  • #19963

    In order to monetize using the AdSense program, you need an AdSense account. If you do not have one, you can still get cash credits for your content posted in this site.

  • #19964
    Yes, Google Adsense account is mandatory for earning Adsense revenue from Techulator.
    If you like, you can also earn Infolinks revenue by integrating your Infolinks account with Techulator.
    Another method of earning is cash credit. Post articles in resource section and answers in Ask Expert section. You will get cash credit for every approved post.

  • #20020
    Here's some general useful information: You can apply for the AdSense program for publishers by setting up your own website, putting in good informative unique content. After a reasonable number of good quality posts at the website, say after 5-6 months, you could apply for AdSense. If you do get AdSense approval, you can then associate the account with Techulator and thus earn AdSense revenue from your posts here. However, if you apply for AdSense through a host site, then your account will be a host account. In that case, you will not be able to associate your AdSense account here to earn from your posts at this site.

    Whether or not you do have an AdSense account, even if a hosted one, I would recommend that you contribute to Techulator. The Webmasters are giving a very generous amount of cash credits across all sections. You can participate in contests too as also aim for the various awards being offered for top contributors in various sections & for each week and month. As Muddassir pointed out, you may even get a few earnings from Infolinks ad units.

    All in all, it is a win-win situation for TEC members even without any AdSense account!


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