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  • Category: Blog Reviews

    Just started my gaming blog - CyberMonkey

    Hey TECians, I am delighted to tell you all that I have started my own gaming blog at -

    Earlier, I started my own website "TechGamer" and purchased its advanced hosting (1 year plan). After a significant amount of posts, this site started to gain good traffic and it nearly reached 1.5k daily organic visitors. But I had to abruptly shut it down when I found that Google was not yet ready to remove hosted tag from my adsense account (Due to this I was in constant loss). Moreover, my hosting plan and .com domain was about to expire and I would be required to pay an additional Rs 4k for its renewal. These factors led me to completely shut down TechGamer. Despite suffering some heavy losses, I realized my mistake of directly starting a .com website. And I learnt that it is better to start a free blog because with a free blog, I can use my hosted adsense account to earn money. And when this blog will gain a significant amount of organic traffic and start to make a good amount, then I can buy its domain and hosting plans without taking any further risks.

    So, guys tell me how's my new starting. And if you have any suggestions then I will be more than happy to consider them for my new blog.
  • #19873
    Congrats Prashant,
    Your gaming ralated articles on TEC are really informative and now you have started a dedicated gaming blog.
    Its very sad to see that you have lost your first blog due to Google Adsense.
    I just visited your blog and I can see its theme is very mobile responsive. I recommend you don't stop and contribute more on your blog.

  • #19874
    In my opinion, you did a big mistake by shutting down a blog that has 1,500 daily visits. It is very difficult to build that much traffic. Wish you all the best with your new blog.

  • #19882
    Thanx Muddassir for your complements.

  • #19883
    Yeah! Tony I realized my mistake the same day I shut off my site.

  • #19922
    What Tony sir mentioned is absolutely right. Shutting down a blog that has 1,500 daily visits is something beyond our imagination. But don't worry. You are such a talent guy that you can convert your new website to another milestone. So keep your good work, don't be panic in the middle and stay tuned. All the best for your new effort.

  • #19926
    Thanks Suresh and Yeah! I will do whatever it takes to take my new blog to the same height.

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