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  • Category: General

    Which online shopping site is most frequently used in India?

    Almost all of us have shopped on eCommerce sites at one point or the other. There are many reasons to shop online. The main ones are- more variety and choice as compared to traditional shops, free delivery at your doorsteps, lower prices than the MRP, convenience of shopping from your house/office using mobile/laptop etc.

    There are many eCommerce sites in each and every segment. Today there are many small niche players in the market which are equally good apart from the big established players. Most of the time we are spoiled for choice and its difficult to choose one as many a times almost all site have the product for the same price, discount and delivery time.

    Share with the members of Techulator your favorite eCommerce sites which you use to make purchases online.
  • #19680
    I am most comfortable with Amazon India. I have been using Amazon in USA for several years and have only pleasant experience to remember. Same is the case with Amazon India too. I've tried Flipkart a few times and have nothing to complain but for some reason, I am leaning towards Amazon, probably because I am using the Amazon affiliate program

  • #19688
    I am from a generation that prefers to shop in brick and mortar stores. Yeah! that ancient. However, I have shopped for goods on a couple of times. I tired shopping for goods on, but the products were either out of stock or I found the merchandise at a cheaper price on another online store.

    I have tried and am happy with Flipkart, the delivery is prompt and I have no complaints about the quality.

    I also buy my groceries online. Fresh fruits and vegetables, fish, prawns, chicken, all at unbelievable prices.

    A love affair with knowledge will never end in heartbreak!
    Take Care

  • #19690
    I have used eBay, Flipkart, Amazon, IndiaTimes Shipping and Snapdeal. Till now I have had good experience with each one of them except for Snapdeal. However, I prefer to use Flipkart as I give priority to companies with Indian owners.

  • #19696
    Earlier I used Flipkart but now I am using Snapdeal for all my online purchases. Snapdeal provides the same product for much less price than Flipkart. However, Flipkart's delivery time is awesome and in most cases, the item is received the very next day.

    For clothing related stuff, I prefer Zovi.

  • #19698
    My favourite e-commerce store is . Its because of their cheap rates wide range of collections, free shipping, quick delivery, easy returns and refund. I will receive the product on the second day if I purchase from Amazon and its far better than other companies. Companies like ShopClues, EBay etc taking too much time for shipping,returns and refunds. Even flip kart is not satisfactory for me. Flipkart doesn't have delivery availability in most of the places and Amazon delivers products at all most all places.
    Sharing is Caring

  • #19707
    Till date I have never bought anything from online stores. Because I prefer checking the product in my hands before buying it. But in future I will definitely give a try to Snapdeal and Amazon.

  • #19760
    My vote goes to FlipKart because of their prompt and reliable service.I have also shopped from SnapDeal, Ebay and Rediffshopping. In the initial days of my online shopping , I have shopped from HomeShop18 and Indiatimes shopping. But FlipKart remains my all time favourite.
    Live....and Let Live!

  • #19767
    I think Amazon India is more reliable beacuse they provide great offers, free shipping, variety of choices all at very cheap and affordable rates. They also respond to all problems and queries promptly and solve it as soon as possible. Their customer service is also very good and connects quickly compared to the other online shopping sites. I have purchased from other sites too but Amazon India has provided the best service, it might be because Amazon is a international giant in online shopping.

  • #19770
    As per my thinking the online shopping sites which are most frequently used in India are,, and

  • #19846
    According to me there are mainly two best sites in India for online shopping which are Flipkart and Amazon India. I mostly prefer to buy things from as it gives you a good deal and nowadays most of the products are eligible for free home delivery. And they do accepts Cash On Delivery which I think is the best thing on the site and if your products is damaged or if it under warranty and is need to be repaired than it can be easily done. So I think that it is the most convenient site for online shopping and safe as well. Hope you also like these sites.

  • #21079
    I use snapdeal very frequently.

    I know after selling service is very poor of Snapdeal. But the reason behind using snapdeal is I am merchant on Snapdeal. I use to sell use to sell tshirts on Snapdeal which i purchase from Banglore.

    Everything was working fine but don't know why Snapdeal has stopped my account now when i try to create new account they say information already exists. But when i try to login with my username and password they say user don't exists.

    In hope my business start again i use Snapdeal.

  • #21080
    Must say SnapDeal has a very bad reputation in terms of after sales service and even in case of the quality of the products delivered. They do not seem to have a proper quality control/monitoring program in place.
    I will always term FlipKart and Amazon as the best online retailers. FlipKart has always been my favourite. Especially because because of their great delivery time(by the way, they have been planning to make use of Mumbai Dabbawalas for local deliveries) and excellent support system. Amazon also does not fall short in these departments. The rest of them- rediff, eBay, indiatimes and Homeshop 18 are not so reliable.

    Live....and Let Live!

  • #21116
    Mukhtar and Timmappa,

    Look at the date of this thread, it is 24 December 2014. Why are you responding to such an old thread. You both are well aware of techulator's posting guidelines.

    Timmappa, you have already responded (#19760) to this thread in past. Then why again?

    I think this thread should be locked for further responses.

  • #21329
    Parul Sharma,
    As you are a new member on Techulator (TEC) so I would like to make you aware regarding the rules of the Forum section which has been braked by you with your response in this thread.

    1. You must not pull up the old threads.
    2. You must not post unnecessarily in the Forum section.
    3. You must give any response to any thread which is older more than 10 days.
    4. But if you wants to add some value to any old thread then you can simply start a new thread related to that older thread URL.
    5. Forum section is to discuss anything related to this website.

    And the other method to be more friendly to TEC is to be active for at least 1 hour everyday so as to know how other members are posting their valuable content and getting awarded with points and cash credits with the editors. I hope you will follow the guidelines and will post your valuable content in bulk on this awesome website. If you have any thing to ask yet related to this website than please let us know with a new thread by you in the Forum section.


    I find that the harder I work, the more luck I seem to have.

  • #21330
    And now what did you do, Aman? I could have asked the member not to pull up old thread right here on this thread itself. I avoided it and was contemplating closing this thread.
    Being one of the regular member of the site, you should have decided not to post here. You could have sent a private message to the member concerned.
    Please refrain from breaking the rules while you advice others not to do so.
    Hope you understand and adhere to the guidelines.

    And please note that the other thread by the member has been deleted as it amounted to spamming.

    Live....and Let Live!

  • #21331
    Still while knowing my mistake you did the same. Why you hadn't messaged me about this rather than posting a response here. And I din't message the member because as she is a new member on TEC so might me she is not knowing how to get messages because I was also not knowing the same thing for many weeks when I joined as a new member on TEC. So I told her in this thread. But you could have messaged me as you got a reply from me to your old messages.

    I find that the harder I work, the more luck I seem to have.

  • This thread is locked for new responses. Please post your comments and questions as a separate thread.
    If required, refer to the URL of this page in your new post.