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  • Category: Other Tools

    How to remove 'Compress to KGB' option from context menu

    I had installed KGB Archiver which is a compression tool. But now I have uninstalled it from Control Panel>>Add/Remove Programs.

    Though the program has been installed, I still see the option 'Compress to KGB' in the context menu when I right click any file.

    Any pointers on how can I delete this option?
  • Compress to KGB (629-2320-untitled.bmp)
  • #2279
    Down load this utility from

    This should solve your problem

  • #2307

    Is that properly uninstalled from the system? Restart the system and see still is it shown in the mouse right clicks. The software is not properly uninstalled otherwise the windows OS is showing wrong information.

    D.Jeya Kumar(JK)

  • #2308
    @JK - The software is properly uninstalled. When I select the option from the right click, it does not locate the program and gives me list of programs under 'Open with' category to choose from.

    I guess the software has made some entry in registry to add the option in the context menu by itself, which on uninstallation did not get removed.

    I have restarted the system and the option still exists.

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