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  • Category: Other Tools

    Totally reset Password for Samsung Mobile phones

    Often times we forget our cellular phone password that is really hard to recover. But very less individuals knows that Samsung mobile gives a code by which we can able to reset our cellular phone password by restoring the item to default.

    So here is the working trick with "How to reset code For Samsung Mobile Phone".

    First Type *2767*3855#
    Then Press "Green" or "Calling" Button.

    This may reset the Password of this mobile phone to default Safety code by resetting the settings of this mobile phone to manufacturer settings.
  • #19383
    Thankus Nagraj for this valuable information. You could have posted this information as a response to related queries in the ask experts section like this post where same information has been given as an answer to a relation question.
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  • #19431
    Thanks Nagraj Kudari for posting technical information of how to reset password of Sumsung Mobile. This information guide to member on their missing passwords .

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