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  • Category: Complaints

    Want to redeem my earnings

    I have a balance of around eight hundred rupees here in Techulator as earnings. And I want to redeem the same. How can I do this? Is there any change in the policy regarding the payment in Techulator?

    I have noticed that Techulator has not announced the payments for a long time. Please clear my doubts.
  • #19379
    Techulator is announcing payments every month on time. Your current balance in Techulator account is 811 INR and you can get it transferred to your bank account only when your earnings cross the minimum threshold. So, you have to earn 189 INR more as the minimum threshold to receive payment from techulator is 1000 INR. Contribute more to earn the rest amount and you will get your payment announced in the starting week of next month.


  • #19380
    We do announce payments every month. Please see the most recent payment announcements.

    Our policies haven't changed significantly. Payment are usually announced at the first week of the month to all the members who have reached the minimum payout level of Rs 1000.

  • #19385
    Thanks for clarifying my doubt. I was not aware of minimum payout.

  • #19429
    Dear Darshan,
    Techular have not any facility of redemption amount anytime . You need to wait redemption date . If you will complete minimum amount of payment then your name will published in cash payment.

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