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  • Category: Policies & Guidelines

    Ask Experts questions guidelines

    TECians are requested to follow certain guidelines when submitting questions in our Ask Experts section.

    1. Use the search box first and check if the query is already submitted. If it has been submitted in the last 2 months, avoid submitting the same question again. You should submit it only if there is some specific aspect which has not been covered by the previously posted query on the same topic. For example, do not submit queries on the latest smartphone, asking about its features and price if it has already been submitted. However, you could submit a query on some app or software related to that particular smartphone.

    2. Ensure that you are selecting the right category and sub-category. If your query is related to an app, do not submit in the computers and smart devices category. This is meant for queries on smartphones, computers and other similar related gadgets. You should submit your query on an app only in the software & apps category.

    In case you are not very sure of which category to post your query, you can submit in: Ask Experts » General Questions » Other Questions. The editors will shift it to the correct category if required.

    3. Do not put "Hi" or "Hello" or "Dear experts" at the beginning of the text or "Regards" and your name at the end of the text. Avoid all types of salutations. Just post your query.

    4. Do not spam - no links, whether clickable or text, are allowed in any part of the text. You should also not put the text URL of your blog/website or of any other site at the end of your query.

    Note: You may put one direct internal link within your query which connects to a query that is related to it. For example, I have posted a query on Skype services and fees. Later, if I have a query related to some specific feature of Skype, I could give a link to the earlier query. Remember, though, not to provide such an internal link in every query! It will be considered as spamming. It should be put if and only if it is really relevant and related to the previous query.

    5. Do not put any contact details at the end of your text, such as email ID, phone number, etc.

    6. Do put a good title! At the same time, avoid keyword stuffing in the title as search engines will not approve of it. Avoid lengthy titles and try to restrict it to 7-8 words. Also, do not put 2 questions in the title.

    7. The text of your query should also be precise and concise, not a long rambling one. Check response #19413 in this thread.
  • #19378
    Thanks Mam for these guidelines. These were the much needed ones. Learned a lot from this thread about the Experts section.
    Can you please tell me what is the awarding criteria for expert answers? I mean on what basis the editors award points and cash to the answers we post to any query. Is it or quality basis or quantity basis?


  • #19384
    Answers are awarded cash credits based on the overall quality of the information. By this is meant:
    Does it answer the query correctly?
    Does it answer the query concisely?

    A long, rambling answer which merely repeats details in the text or is merely repeating info already provided in a previous answer is unlikely to get high cash credits.

    Some attention should also be given to the way of presenting the information when there is a lot to explain. In such a case, it is a good idea to split up the information in proper paragraphs. Also, if necessary, you can present data in points format using number tags, etc.

    If you yourself have actually tried out a product, be it a smartphone or a software, then why not give a good honest feedback about it when there is a query about it? Write both the pros and cons of the product in a first-person narrative style. That would make for a great answer!


  • #19395
    Thanks a lot Vandana for coming out with these guidelines of the 'Ask Experts' section of Techulator.

    I would like to add some additional guidelines and tips which would be useful,

    1) Please do not include links to external sites unless it's extremely necessary. In that case, make sure that the link is made no-follow.

    2) Please do not copy and paste the data directly from ecommerce sites or other sources.

    3) When writing specifications of gadgets, make sure that you describe it in own words.

    4) Please check the answer before submitting. Avoid doing any spelling mistakes and sentence formation errors.

    Remember that detailed and well researched answers without any errors are given higher cash credits.

    If you have any issues or require any help from the editors, please don't hesitate to post a forum thread.


  • #19998
    Thanks Shravan and Vandana madam for the valuable suggestions on AE section. The points are extremely helpful in understanding the guidelines.
    Live....and Let Live!

  • #20497
    Thanks for those useful tricks Vandana. Those tips will definitely help the new members on Techulator even those tips helped me a lot to win two continuous ask expert super stars awards. I hope you will keep on updating us with further ask expert policies.

    I find that the harder I work, the more luck I seem to have.

  • #20521
    Thank you very much Vandana namefor such an informative forum thread on Ask Experts' section posting guidelines. These tips will definitely help new members to post quality content in the Ask Experts section. Every newbie should read these tips and tricks before posting questions and answers in the Ask Experts section. The additional tips given by Shravan are also worth noting.

  • #20765
    Thanks for updating all the ask expert question guidelines as it will make many member remember the guidelines. So they will post answer or questions regarding correct guidelines this will help the editors of the ask expert section. This will also help the members who are posting in ask expert section to earn more money by these guidelines.

  • #21117
    Thanks for these updates. This update will clear all AE experts mind on how they are awarded CC for posting answers in AE section about queries.

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    If required, refer to the URL of this page in your new post.