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  • Category: Windows 8

    Where is Redialer for auto re-connecting to internet when available in Windows 8.1

    My internet connection is of broadband, due to some technical issue of instability, i got disconnected every 5minutes from internet and i need to click on connect to get connected, I'm tiered for reconnecting every 5minutes, i'm currently on Windows 8.1 and there is not Redialer but in my previous OS Windows 7 it was.
    So please advice me what to do to make Windows 8.1 auto dialing to connect to internet.
  • #19241
    It is advisable to submit such types of queries in our Ask Expert section. That is the ideal section for it, rather than the forum, as it will get better traffic as well as quicker and detailed guidance. The forum is primarily meant for general discussions & views or to post queries related to Techulator.


  • #19245
    ooh sorry, by mistakes I posted it in forum

  • #19246
    no whow to delete this post from forum?

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