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  • Category: Topic Recommendations

    Didn't understood how to use Tags in

    Posting Questions to get Answers from the experts,
    before going to post saw Tag is required as a keyword,
    I unable to understand the given help in example.
    I want to know that how to use Tag for different kinds of questions so that expert can easily find out that.
  • #19184

    Hi Manoj,
    Welcome to Techulator website! Good to hear that you are willing to contribute to the Ask Experts section here. You can use any important words in your query or it's description as tag.

    For example, say my query is "How to install Windows 10 Technical Preview?" and the description states "To check out latest Windows OS from Microsoft, technology experts over the world are rushing to download Windows 10 ISO file. I too want to review the features of Windows 10 by installing it. Please let me know a step-by-step guide to download Windows 10 OS."

    Now, for the above query and related description, you can use tags like "Windows 10 Technical Preview", "features of Windows 10", "guide to download Windows 10 OS", "Windows 10 ISO file", etc. In simple words, tag those words or phrases that are likely to be searched by end users which will result in your query coming up in search results. Hope you have now understood the usage of tags!

    Thanks & Best Regards,
    Bhakti Savla

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