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  • Category: General Windows Topics

    Delayed opening of programs,especially word and spreadsheet programs?

    In recent days, many programs and files installed on one laptop are opening very slowly, taking up to 4 to 5 minutes to open, sometimes even longer or never opening. The same files open in seconds on other laptops in a few seconds, indicating that there is some registery change made which allows the files to be opened remotely using hidden wifi frequencies first. There is reason to believe that one or more powerful intelligence agency officials are determined to prove that the business belongs to their young girlfriends,especially the lazy slim sunaina, who is doing nothing and are hacking the laptop using confidential backdoors known only to intelligence agencies.
    How to trace this hacking, and stop it, netstat is not giving any information, there are no connections. There is no national security issue involved, only powerful officials infatuated with young women, and trying to enrich them at the expense of the exporter, by hacking the laptop.
  • #19059
    You have to delete your internet cache, temporary internet files and if possible try to unload images and videos from your system by taking a back up.

    You can do this manually, but there is a very easy method to perform this task automatically.
    Download CC Cleaner and use it on regular basis.

    Actually it is advisable that you run this CC Cleaner each time after you use the internet.

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