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  • Category: Suggestions and Feedback

    Erroneous multiple article submission

    I had been working on an article for and was using the drafts section for saving it during breaks. Inadvertently, without selecting the option "Article not ready to be published" I clicked on the option Save & Continue/View a few times. I guess this resulted in the incomplete article being submitted to the editors for review.

    Today morning, I got a message stating that the article I submitted has been rejected. Reason: Duplicate post/multiple submission of same article.
    You cannot resubmit this resource.

    It was an erroneous submission and I should've been more careful, but can I really not re-submit the article anymore?
  • #18852

    This is not a result of "Save & Continue" button click. I believe while you started the draft, you pressed the back button on the browser and then clicked the "Save & Continue" button. Each time you clicked the back button on browser and saved, it resulted in a new article submission.

  • #18853
    Alright thanks for the reply Tony, I can't seem to figure out why would I click the back button and then click the "Save & Continue" button to save my article. Anyway, will write offline from now on!

    Is there a way to delete all my drafts, there seem to be a lot of unfinished articles and there isn't an option to delete them.

    Thanks again!

  • #18854
    Can you share the url of those drafts? I don't have an option to find them since they aren't published.

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