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  • Category: Free Stuff

    What are the criteria to setup account with PTC site ?

    As many internet user are familiar with PTC site or pay per click ads for 60 second or 30 seconds. You will paid small amount in dollar as designed by PTC site.

    Criteria for INDIA:
    1) Is making account in PTC is legal in India ?
    2) PTC site are against rule of Income tax of India
    3) Is document proof needed while anyone earning in million ?
    4) Is adding fund in PTC site are legal ?
  • #18721
    PTC should be legal, there are no restrictions on starting a website. Depending on where your customers and users are based, it will be treated as imports. Emails can be considered as proof of payment , for large amounts payments are made through bank transfers.

  • #18730
    PTC are legal in India but most of these kind of sites are fake and will not provide you any money. So I want to say you that please dont make account on these kind of sites. If you want to earn money online please register on the sites like- Techulator, India Study Channel and Studyvillage.

    Warm Regards,

  • #19361
    PTC site are legal and it is also very true that most of them are fake. Moreover, a few which are legitimate, they pay only in peanuts and thinking about earning in millions from it is a distant dream.

    All these site at the end of the day are referral site, where you must build a down-line to earn from them. For that you need either a website showing fake claims of money earned or do a lot of advertisement on different forums and try your luck for referrals. It is very tedious work and the payment is not guaranteed. Every one is free to try his luck, but investing money by transferring hard earned money would be a blunder.

  • #19456
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  • #19459
    Dear Phagu,

    You are pulling out old threads. The threads which are more than 1 or 2 months old should not be responded for the sake of gaining more and more points that too which are being answered accurately by the other members including editors and webmasters. Please refrain from such activities as it is not going to benefit you anyway. You can post in other sections like ASK Expert where fresh thread are available to be responded and there you can earn some good cash too. Wait for new posts in forum section and respond to that but not the old one which ave been already answered.


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