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  • Category: AdSense Revenue Sharing

    How to create the Pub id for TECHULATOR

    In link I have found this message.
    Provide the Pub Id from your AdSense account. Pub Id starts with the letters "pub-"
    How to create and what are necessary steps.
  • #18668
    Do you have an Adsense account? If you don't have an Adsense account then you need to get it approved from somewhere else. With Techulator you cannot create an Adsense account.

  • #18677

    Pub Id is your Adsense publisher Id which you can obtain from your Adsense account dashboard.

    As said by webmaster, you can associate your Adsense account with Techulator only if you have an existing approved Adsense account. You cannot apply for a new Adsense account through Techulator.

  • #18722
    There is no need of creating any pub id just copy it from your adsense account if you have it. Just follow the steps given below-

    1. Go to

    2. Sign in your account in which your adsense
    application is approved.

    3. Go to adsense setting.

    4. There you will find one of the id for example- pub-79812789 something like that.

    5. Just copy that pub id.

    6. Now go to techulator and go to forum and click on associate your adsense account and enter your pub id and save it.

    Now you have done it and now start posting articles and win some cool cash.

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