Today I am here because I need help regarding SEO and to generate traffic on my blog. Can anyone analyze my blog and say as to why my blog is not getting any organic traffic?
Thanks madam , for giving valuable feedback for my blog .I corrected all things as you said before.Can you please see my blog one more time because still my blog not getting traffic and please let me know how can i resolve it.
Your blog looks nice one at the moment, try to concentrate on writing quality articles using reasonable keywords and update tech info ontime. Regular contribution is very important and make sure that you use proper title, summary and good paragraphs - all in all each article should have 500-750 words with image/meta tag, html tag and one interlink at least.Regards,
I Found some big issue (but can solve) with your blog.Your blog don't have enough Facebook fans. I wish to recommend some traffic source to you other than SEO