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  • Category: General SEO Questions

    Want to increase the Application Popularity

    I made an application of Mobile, Dth recharge and other routine utilities. Now I want to enhance the popularity of that application using SEO Techniques. Kindly help me on what I can do for it. I want this application to come in the top rank in Google search.
  • #15806
    To popularize a product/brand you must focus on a specific region/area where you can manage and promote your brand effectively. Such utility websites are available in each and every cities and towns in our country. It will be very difficult if you want to take-off from any metros in India. Better you start promoting from a small metro where population is around less than 2 lakh. At first look how far the people are computer and internet savvy and compare with other such kind of application running in that area. Then, follow their marketing pattern and add some extra utilities which are not available in them. Coming to SEO techniques, if your company is small then no need to go for SEO techniques at early stage. However, if you're planning to promote with high budge, you can hire a SEO Technician for better result.
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  • #15810
    Hi Member

    We are very happy to see app developer in Techulator. If you want to increase number of people who can use your app then firs of all post your app in that category where Its suitable, then you can share with your friend and on social media then you can increase number of user.

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    Regards & Thanks
    Aamir Khan

  • #15813
    I am Seo Technician but i am unable to rank this application on the Top. Give me some suggestions to So that i can hike this website ranking.

  • #15827
    You can share the information of your application in social networking sites as well as you need to promote it on articles for increasing the popularity of your application.

  • #15836
    You have many option to promote your apps. You din't mention for which platform you have developed the apps. Is it Windows or Android or iOS? Anyway, the most important one is the platform itself and they have several policies and scheme to promote your apps. You can use all those to promote your apps. Apart from that, I won't recommend you to do any sort of SEO what you do for some articles or slow motion webs. It may harm your apps. Yes, you can write several quality articles by using the exact url of your apps and you can share it on various channels.
    If you're ready to pay, you can go for Facebook's paid ad. It will help you to get more and more clicks. Agree with Phagu Mahato, you can share it in social network as well.

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